Protect Our Children and their Families

The Coalition needs your financial donations to fund the fight to clean Laredo’s air.

The Clean Air Laredo Coalition is a grassroots campaign to remove cancer-causing Ethylene Oxide from the air that we breathe.

After months of investigating EPA and self-reported data about Ethylene Oxide emissions spewing from the Midwest Sterilization plant in the Killam Industrial Park, the news organizations ProPublica and the Texas Tribune published their findings, which were reported in the Laredo Morning Times, front page, on Dec. 28, 2021.

We will not accept this dangerous pollution in Laredo. You can make a difference. Join our effort to clean Laredo’s air for our children and their families.
La Coalición necesita sus donaciones para financiar la lucha para limpiar el aire de Laredo.

La Coalición Aire Limpio de Laredo es una campaña de base para eliminar el óxido de etileno que causa cáncer del aire que respiramos.

Después de meses de investigar la EPA y los datos autoinformados sobre las emisiones de óxido de etileno que arroja la planta de Midwest Sterilization en el Parque Industrial de Killam, los organizaciones de noticias ProPublica y el Texas Tribune publicaron sus hallazgos, que salió en la portada del Laredo Morning Times, el 28 de diciembre, 2021.

No aceptaremos esta peligrosa contaminación en Laredo. Ud. puede cambiar esta situación. Únase a nuestro esfuerzo para limpiar el aire de Laredo para nuestros niños y sus familias.

RGISC, a a 501c3 nonprofit, is currently serving as the fiscal sponsor of the Clean Air Laredo Coalition. Your donation will not be used for political purposes.
“Communities such as Laredo, where the vast majority of the residents are Latino and more than a quarter live in poverty, have been left in the dark for years by regulators who had evidence of the dangers posed by ethylene oxide but never told the public about them.”

“Midwest’s Laredo plant released far more ethylene oxide on average than any other sterilizer plant in the country during the five-year period covered by the analysis, which used emissions estimates that Midwest reported to the EPA.”
Collier, Kiah, and Maya Miller. “A Plant That Sterilizes Medical Equipment Spews Cancer-Causing Pollution on Tens of Thousands of Schoolchildren.” ProPublica.org, ProPublica, 27 Dec. 2021, https://www.propublica.org/article/a-plant-that-sterilizes-medical-equipment-spews-cancer-causing-pollution-on-tens-of-thousands-of-schoolchildren
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